Coronavirus (COVID-19) Testing and Preparedness
What Testing Can Fast Pace Health Offer
Fast Pace Health will recommend a full office examination along with any COVID-19 test.
- 15-Minute COVID-19 + Flu Rapid Test: (Nasal Swab): One Test, with COVID & Flu results, in approximately 15-minutes provided by the end of the clinic visit. Schedule a Visit Available at all clinics, Fast Pace Health now offers the speed of 15-minute Rapid COVID-19 tests in addition to existing testing options including PCR lab and antibody tests.If you’ve been exposed or are actively experiencing symptoms, this test can quickly provide you with a positive or negative result. Fast Pace Health is focused on the prevention of the community spread of COVID-19 and follows the latest developments and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).*Disclaimers: No appointment is needed for any Fast Pace Health COVID-19 testing options. Rapid tests are available while supplies last. The 15-minute timing of results is based on test processing time for a positive or negative result. Due to high demand, visit and/or processing times may be longer than usual. Negative rapid test results may be sent out for laboratory validation.
- COVID-19 LAB TEST | results in approximately 48-72 hours: – (Nasal Swab) This test attempts to detect if you are actively infected with the COVID-19 virus and is available to those with symptoms of the virus or those seeking testing due to contact exposure to an active case of the virus—per the guidance of the CDC. For more details on the test please click here.
- ANTIBODY (Blood Test): This test can potentially detect if you have had prior exposure to COVID-19, and it can see if you have built a possible antibody for the virus. For more details on the test please click here. While the test is designed to detect the build-up of immunities to the virus from previous exposure, it is unable, at this time, to determine immunity to future infection. Disclaimer: No test is 100% accurate. Your provider will discuss your results and the implications at the time of your examination.
If symptoms exist, please abide by social distancing, quarantining, frequent hand washing, wearing of a mask or face cloth in public, and other CDC guideline recommendations. No appointment is required for any Fast Pace COVID-19 testing options.
Fast Pace Health is making testing available as part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s notification Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) pathway that was outlined for COVID-19 diagnostic tests. Fast Pace Health strives to create easier access to convenient and affordable health care. We accept most major insurance providers and offer competitive self-pay prices. Fast Pace Health is focused on maintaining community prevention of the spread of illness and continues to pull its latest developments and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). We will provide updates online as they become available at fastpacehealth.com. Should you and the community experience any healthcare need, Fast Pace Health clinics are open and available 7 days a week. As an added service, we have started offering behavioral health services and telehealth services for common ailments and prescription medication and refills.
What is coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause respiratory illness in humans. These illnesses are quite common. However, a new strain of coronavirus, called COVID-19 (formerly 2019-nCoV), was recently reported in Wuhan, China. Travelers from that area of the world have since carried the virus to other countries including the United States. COVID-19 is transported via respiratory droplets.
What are the symptoms of the COVID-19?
Patients with confirmed infection from the COVID-19 virus reported these symptoms:
- Fever.
- Cough.
- Difficulty breathing.
- For many patients, causes mild cold symptoms
The elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions appear to be more vulnerable to the virus.
What should I do when I arrive at the clinic for testing?
Patients will notice signage advising that masks must be worn at all times while in the clinic. Patients will begin by completing a registration and necessary paperwork at the front desk area. Once registered, patients will immediately be escorted to a room if one is available. If a room is not available, patients may wait in the waiting area prior to being brought back to a room if they are wearing a mask. If sufficient room is not available in the waiting room to allow for social distancing, patients may wait in their vehicle. They may also wait in their vehicle if they are not comfortable waiting in the waiting room. Clinic staff will direct patients with additional instructions via a testing screening process. The provider will recommend needed treatment and/or testing, depending on the severity of symptoms.
CDC Recommendations
Everyone can do their part to help. Take everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs.
- Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
- Avoid large crowds. Limit the spread of illness.
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
- Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Serious respiratory illnesses are spread by cough, sneezing, or unclean hands.
- Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Disinfect and clean surface areas. Use disinfecting cleaners and wipe off all surface areas in contact with the illness.
*Disclaimers: No appointment is needed for any Fast Pace Health COVID-19 testing options. Rapid tests are available while supplies last. Due to high demand, visit and/or processing times may be longer than usual. Negative rapid test results may be sent out for laboratory validation. No test is 100% accurate. Your provider will discuss your results and the implications at the time of your visit.
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please dial 9-1-1.
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