Primary care, Telehealth, Urgent care

A Guide to Sexually transmitted Infections Testing at Your Local Walk-in Clinic

A Guide to Sexually transmitted Infections Testing at Your Local Walk-in Clinic

When it comes to one’s health, especially in the realm of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), staying informed and getting tested is can be crucial steps. We see a fair amount of searches on from people looking for STI testing, it’s imperative to have easily accessible and reliable information about STIs, plus easy access for testing and treatment. Located in Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Indiana our network of walk-in clinics is here to serve you, providing not only primary and urgent care services but also comprehensive STD/STI testing.

Why STI Testing is Important

Dr. Sarika Aggarwal, MD, MHCM, our Chief Medical Officer, emphasizes the gravity of the situation: “In my years of medical experience, I’ve seen too many individuals suffer complications due to late diagnosis of STIs. Regular testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a crucial aspect of helping safeguard your health and well-being. Taking charge of your sexual health is a powerful choice that can help positively impact your life and the lives of those you care about.”

STDs and STIs can often be asymptomatic, which means they don’t always show symptoms. Regular testing is essential because:

  1. Early Detection: Catching an STD or STI early can help prevent complications and help make treatment more effective.
  2. Prevent Spreading: Knowing your status helps in preventing the spread to partners.
  3. Peace of Mind: Even if you believe you’re in a monogamous relationship or not sexually active, getting tested can offer reassurance.

How to Know When to Get Tested

While the necessity for testing largely depends on individual sexual activity and practices, a few general recommendations include:

  • After initiating a new sexual relationship.
  • If you’ve had unprotected sex.
  • If you’re experiencing any new urinary or genital symptoms.
  • On a routine basis, if you have multiple partners.

STD/STI Tests Available at Our Clinics

At our urgent care clinics, we offer a wide array of tests for various STDs and STIs including:

  • Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: These are among the most common STIs, but they’re often easily treatable with antibiotics.
  • HIV: While there’s no cure, early detection and treatment can help individuals lead a normal life.
  • HPV: Some strains can lead to cervical cancer, making early detection critical.
  • Syphilis, Herpes, and more: Timely testing helps ensure effective treatment.

Why Choose Fast Pace Health for Your STI Testing

  1. Convenience: Especially in rural areas, access to healthcare can be a challenge. Our clinics are strategically located to be within your reach.
  2. Privacy: We understand the sensitivity of STI tests and work to help ensure your privacy and confidentiality at every step.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Beyond testing, our clinics offer counseling, treatment, and follow-up services, ensuring you’re taken care of throughout the process.
  4. No Appointments Necessary: Recognizing the urgent nature of such tests, our clinics operate on a walk-in basis, helping ensure that you can get tested at a time that’s convenient for you. You can always save your spot in line to save time at the clinic by visiting and registering your visit.

Tips for Your Visit

  1. Be Honest: The more straightforward you are with your healthcare provider, the better they can help guide you regarding which tests are necessary.
  2. Ask Questions: If you’re uncertain about any aspect of the testing process, don’t hesitate to ask.
  3. Stay Calm: It’s natural to feel nervous, but remember, getting tested is a proactive step to help safeguard your health.

After Your Test

Once you’ve taken an STI test, waiting for the results can be nerve-wracking. But regardless of the outcome, knowledge is power. If your test comes back positive, your healthcare provider can help you with an individualized plan of care, which may include:

  • Treatment with Medication: Depending on the STI, treatment may involve antibiotics or other medications.
  • Informing Partners: It’s essential to let past and current partners know so they can also get tested.
  • Regular Follow-ups: Some STIs require periodic testing to ensure they’re entirely eradicated or managed.

STIs might be a sensitive topic, but they’re a significant aspect of our health and healthcare. We’re proud to provide these vital services, particularly to the often under-served. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Regular check-ups, combined with safe sexual practices, can help keep you and your partners safe.

For more information on our STD/STI testing services or to find a walk-in clinic near you, please visit our website at Your health is our priority.

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