We strive to create easier access to convenient, transparent, and affordable health care for the communities we serve. The Simple Self-Pay Program allows uninsured (or self-pay) patients to pay an upfront office visit fee that includes many in-house testing options (COVID-19 and Flu testing require an additional fee) and common procedures for urgent care, primary care, behavioral health care, orthopedic care, dermatology care and physical therapy needs.

In addition to the following, a good faith estimate of expected charges will be made available to all uninsured (or self-pay) patients scheduling an item or service, in accordance with 45 CFR 149.610(b)(1)(vi).  A good faith estimate of expected charges may also be requested by contacting your clinic or service provider directly via phone (at the phone number published for your clinic/service provider on this website) and, for in person care, at the address published for your clinic/service provider on this website.

Illustration patient on cash desk

Self-Pay Pricing

Base Rate Visit Charges

Simple Self-Pay program visits must fall into one of the categories below. Additional charges may apply depending upon the services provided- see the list of Add-On Service Charges below for additional information.

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent care and/or primary care services
Includes all basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below under Add-On Service Charges.  CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Simple Work Physical (1 page), Childcare Physical, Sports Physical, or Basic Student Physical
All testing outside of Fast Pace Health that requires additional certification will result in additional charges. 

Sports Physical with Urinary Drug Screen (UDS)

Behavioral Health Initial Visit
Scheduled visit with Behavioral Health Team. In-house tests/drug screens not included.  CPT 90791, 90792 & 90785

Behavioral Health Follow up Visit
Scheduled visit with Behavioral Health Team. In-house tests/drug screens not included. CPT 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215, 90832, 90833, 90834, 90835, 90836, 90837. 90838, 90846, 90847 & 90785

Telehealth Urgent Care Visit
Scheduled visit with Telehealth Team. In-house tests, injections, and x-rays not included.  CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Physical Therapy Visit
New or Established patient. CPT 97140, 97116, 97112, & 97110

Form Fees
FMLA paperwork, etc.

Add-On Service Charges

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Drug Testing (not included in the Base Rate Visit Charge)
Note that an additional $65 will be charged in the event a specimen must be sent out for confirmation testing. If the additional $65 is not paid, the specimen cannot be sent out, and results will be unavailable.

Breath Alcohol Testing (BAT)

IV Hydration and/or Therapy including any medications used.
This is for any amount of time for hydration or Therapy.

Neuropsychological Testing
CPT 96132

Vaccines – Charged in addition to the Simple Self-Pay Program visit fee.

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Tetanus Vaccine (Td)

Influenza Vaccine – (Does not require base rate charge)
Seasonal Pricing

Tdap Vaccine

Special Order
Call Billing Dept.
Infrequent Vaccines/Medicines not Listed above will require prepayment from the patient before ordering the vaccine.

Labs Commonly Sent Out – Charged in Addition to the Simple Self-Pay Program Visit fee.

Description Refer to PV Pricing
CBC w/ Differential / Platelet


Lipid Panel

Comp. Metabolic Panel (CMP)(14)

Hemoglobin A1c

Urine Culture, Routine (additional fee if more than two organisms are detected)

Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture

Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity (MMR Titer)

Hepatitis B Surf AB Quant. (Titer)

Varicella-Zoster V AB, IGG (Titer)

Hepatitis A AB, Total (Titer)

QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus

Testosterone, Serum

Testosterone, Free and Total


Thyroid Panel with TSH

Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy

Ct, Ng, Trich vag by NAA

Bacterial Vaginosis, NAA

C albicans + C glabrata, NAA

Venipuncture Charge (Omit charge if no venipuncture)


Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program.  If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service.  There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above.  The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above.  You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620.  You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068.  Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s).  Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

FastPaceHealth Orthopedics logo

Service Rendered

Total Charge
CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215
New/Established Patient Office Visit
$ 155

*X‐Ray’s, Steroid Injections, & Splinting included in base charge

Add-On Service Charges

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Add On Service
Total Charge
Casting ‐ Upper Extremity

Casting ‐ Lower Extremity

Injection – Supartz (per injection)

Injection ‐ Durolane

Regenerative – Angel Series 1 Kit

Regenerative – Angel Series 3 Kits

Regenerative – PRP Series 1 Kit

Regenerative – PRP Series 3 Kits

Orthotics – Power Step Inserts

DME Products (Fast Pace Orthopedics locations in Louisiana Only)
Total Charge
Walking Boots

Surgical Shoe

Shoulder Immobilizer


Wrist Splint

Wrist Splint w/thumb

Finger Splint

Knee Immobilizer

Hinged Knee

Ankle Brace

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program.  If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service.  There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above.  The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above.  You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620.  You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068.  Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s).  Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

FPH Dermatology logo

Service Rendered

Total Charge
CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215
New/Established Patient Office Visit
$ 155

*Simple Closures included in office visit

Add-On Service Charges

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Add On Service
Total Charge

Labs Sent Out to a third party testing lab will incur additional fees.


Each Additional Biopsy

Destruction Precancerous Lesion (First)

Destruction Precancerous Lesion (2‐14)
$10 each

Destruction Precancerous Lesion (15+)

Nail Avulsion

Shave Lesions (first)

Shave Lesions (Each Additional)

Destruction Malignant Lesion (Each)

Destruction Benign Lesion (Each)

Benign Excision (Each)

Malignant Excision

Intermediate Closures (Visit included)

Self‐Pay Cosmetics
Total Charge
Botox – Per Unit Price

TCA Peels

Microneedling (Per Treatment)

Microneedling with PRP (Single Treatment)

Microneedling with PRP (Set of 3)

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

Base Rate Visit Charges

Simple Self-Pay program visits must fall into one of the categories below. Additional charges may apply depending upon the services provided – see the list of Add-On Service Charges below for additional information.

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent and/or primary care services
Includes all basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below under Add-On Service Charges. CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Simple Work Physical (1 page), Childcare Physical, Sports Physical, or Basic Student Physical
All testing outside of Fast Pace Health that requires additional certification will result in additional charges. 

Sports Physical with Urinary Drug Screen (UDS)

Form Fees
FMLA paperwork, etc.

Add-On Service Charges

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Drug Testing (not included in the Base Rate Visit Charge)
Note that an additional $65 will be charged in the event a specimen must be sent out for confirmation testing. If the additional $65 is not paid, the specimen cannot be sent out, and results will be unavailable.

Breath Alcohol Testing (BAT)

IV Hydration and/or Therapy including any medications used.
This is for any amount of time for hydration or Therapy.

Vaccines – Charged in addition to the Self-Pay Program visit fee.

Services Listed below require an appropriate Simple Self-Pay Program Visit and are charged in additional to the fees collected for such visit.

Tetanus Vaccine (Td)

Tdap Vaccine

Labs Commonly Sent Out – Charged in Addition to the Simple Self-Pay Program Visit fee.

Description Refer to PV Pricing
CBC w/ Differential / Platelet


Lipid Panel

Comp. Metabolic Panel (CMP)(14)

Hemoglobin A1c

Urine Culture, Routine (additional fee if more than two organisms are detected)

Anaerobic and Aerobic Culture

Measles/Mumps/Rubella Immunity (MMR Titer)

Hepatitis B Surf AB Quant. (Titer)

Varicella-Zoster V AB, IGG (Titer)

Hepatitis A AB, Total (Titer)

QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus

Testosterone, Serum

Testosterone, Free and Total


Thyroid Panel with TSH

Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy

Ct, Ng, Trich vag by NAA

Bacterial Vaginosis, NAA

C albicans + C glabrata, NAA

Venipuncture Charge (Omit charge if no venipuncture)

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

Self-Pay Program

Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics offers Simple Self-Pay Program urgent care and primary care visits for patients for a $125.00 upfront office fee that includes most in-house testing and procedures. 

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent and/or primary care services
Includes basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below. CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Services NOT included in the “Self-Pay” Program:
  • COVID/Flu/SARS Testing
  • Vaccines
  • IV Hydration and/or Therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Drug Screening/Testing
  • Breath Alcohol Testing
  • Outside labs
  • Ultrasound

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

Self-Pay Program

Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic offers Simple Self-Pay Program urgent care and primary care visits for patients for a $125.00 upfront office fee that includes most in-house testing and procedures.  CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent and/or primary care services
Includes basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below. CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Services NOT included in the “Self-Pay” Program:
  • COVID/Flu/SARS Testing
  • Vaccines
  • IV Hydration and/or Therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Drug Screening/Testing
  • Breath Alcohol Testing
  • Outside labs
  • Ultrasound

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

Self-Pay Program

Sunrise Pediatrics offers Simple Self-Pay Program urgent care and primary care visits for patients for a $125.00 upfront office fee that includes most in-house testing and procedures.  CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent and/or primary care services
Includes basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below. CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Services NOT included in the “Self-Pay” Program:
  • COVID/Flu/SARS Testing
  • Vaccines
  • IV Hydration and/or Therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Drug Screening/Testing
  • Breath Alcohol Testing
  • Outside labs
  • Ultrasound

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

Self-Pay Program

Kids Are Special offers Simple Self-Pay Program urgent care and primary care visits for patients for a $125.00 upfront office fee that includes most in-house testing and procedures.  CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

“Self-Pay” Office Visit for urgent and/or primary care services
Includes basic in-house tests, injections, x-rays, and procedures except for those listed below. CPT Codes 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215.

Services NOT included in the “Self-Pay” Program:
  • COVID/Flu/SARS Testing
  • Vaccines
  • IV Hydration and/or Therapy
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
  • Drug Screening/Testing
  • Breath Alcohol Testing
  • Outside labs
  • Ultrasound

Disclaimers: These Rates do not apply if you elect to use your coverage under any insurance program, including high deductible health plans. If you have health insurance coverage and/or worker’s compensation coverage for healthcare services, and elect to use such coverage, all rates for such services will be determined by your insurers and/or as otherwise determined by Fast Pace Health for services provided outside of its Simple Self-Pay Program. If you are covered by any insurance program, and elect to use such coverage, you will be required to pay your applicable patient responsibility, co-pay, co-insurance, or deductible at the time of service. There may be additional items or services Fast Pace Health, Fast Pace Orthopedics, Fast Pace Dermatology, First Care Clinics, Christian Family Medicine & Pediatrics, Reelfoot Family Walk-in Clinic, Sunrise Pediatrics, Kids Are Special and/or their affiliates (collectively, the “Fast Pace Health family of Companies”) recommend as part of your course of care that must be scheduled or requested separately by you and are not reflected in good faith estimates or above. The information provided in a good faith estimate and/or above is only an estimate regarding items or services reasonably expected to be furnished at the time the good faith estimate is issued (or, in absence of a good faith estimate, in a customary visit for the services described above) and that actual items, services, or charges you receive may differ from the good faith estimate and/or those set forth above. You have the right to initiate a patient-provider dispute resolution process if the actual billed charges are substantially in excess of the expected charges included in a good faith estimate, as specified in 45 CFR 149.620. You may initiate this dispute resolution process by sending a written notice of your dispute addressed to Fast Pace Health, Attn: Chief Compliance Officer, P.O. Box 681029, Franklin, TN 37068. Your initiation of the patient-provider dispute resolution process will not adversely affect the quality of health care services furnished to you by the Fast Pace Health family of Companies or your provider(s). Neither a good faith estimate, nor the information provided above, is a contract – you are not required to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in a good faith estimate or above.

For additional payment and pricing options click here.